Friday, January 1, 2010

Goodbye 2009....

....Hello 2010!!
It's funny how we get caught up in our every day lives and think that it's boring and nothing new happens, but as I was out for a run this morning I was reflecting on how many things really did happened this past year and thought it was suitable to post and start the new year out right!
I started out the year applying to graduate school, getting in and eventually starting this past I remember what school it like! In addition to stressing out over my research class and APA format I also spent the semester learning about family health and life stages...and while we certainly encountered some of those this year...I find the ones that aren't in the textbooks both fascinating and frustrating at the same time.
In the spring the hubby and I embarked on a journey to adopt a child or two from the American foster system....we aren't sure exactly what the ending will be but has opened our eyes to how simple and truly blessed we have been and currently are in our lives. While the statistics quoted to us state that there are 50 to 250 adoptive families to each child we have been looking at older children (9 and above) who comprise a huge percent of the children waiting for a family. These kids have had to endure so much in their short lives that it's a wonder how they remain positive and continue to hope for a mom or a dad...and yet the one's we've meet at various speed dating (my affectionate term for the meet and greets) opportunities are so hopeful and awesome I want to take everyone of them home with me! But alas we submit the home study and wait and wait and wait and wait...but in the end we both have faith that this is going to pan out exactly as it is intended for us...and while we know it's going to be a bumpy ride we are sure to enjoy every minute!
So while we wait I thought I'd post some pictures from 2009....I did some races...some were good...some not so good...
...we said a sad goodbye to a friend....
...we visited family....

....and got to see friends....
...we met some new friends....
...I planted a garden.......we had doggie was planned....
...the other was not....
...but all's well that ends well...'s wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2010...CHEERS!!


Lee the Cyclist said...

Happy New Year!!! Sounds like we both had a busy but good 2009. Of course, we will have to post our 201 goals soon.

Michelle said...

hey it looks like you got a carpet too...nice picture of everyone :)

Lisa T said...

Nice garden!

Rainmaker said...

Happy Belated New Year to you as well!