Monday, December 8, 2008

December Running Randomness...

It's coooooold here!! Actually it's not too bad, but I'm a total cold wimp....I probably should have been an animal that hibernates all winter...or maybe I was one in a previous after donning enough layers to give the stay puff marshmallow man a run for his money I went for a quick loop around the neighborhood prior to swim torture. On my run I came to a couple conclusions...first, my house is in the 10% of the neighborhood that is not decorated (yet!)...however, while devoid of decorations, we are not in the 20% of the neighborhood that has enough decorations to share with the neighbors on all sides...we also don't belong to the 5% that keep their decorations up year round...and lastly we are not in the 2% of the 5% that not only keep those decorations up year round, but they light them up!! By far my favorite house in the entire 'hood is the Flamingo House...originally the hubby and I wanted to put Santa in a sleigh being driven by pink flamingos...the only catch...we have a neighbor that LOVES flamingos...he has probably 2 dozen (ok, 23 at my last count) in his front yard...all shades of pink...and they move around the yard every few fade to an undesirable pink, you're outta there, replaced by a shiny new flamingo...they are big, small and every size in between. Today as I ran by I had to smile...they are now all surrounding a lighted tree with one on the time I run, I'll bring my's awesome! Maybe I'll buy a Green light bulb for the front porch light so I'm not the last to decorate! :)

1 comment:

Lee the Cyclist said...

Wow Nicole!!! Pink flamingos at Christmas. What more can you ask for? I would count myself in the 75% of the group who can't calculate percentages while they run.