Monday, March 23, 2009

Shamrock 1/2 Marathon

We had a great weekend for racing here this weekend...perfect for many of the folks chasing PRs during the many races of the Shamrock Marathon weekend. After spending much of the last week in a major funk, I decided it would be best to just go out and enjoy the race and not worry too much about anything else...a good strategy, but in the end I wished I had been a bit more aggressive! Still I ended up with a nice PR at the half marathon distance...and an apparent out of body experience according to my Garmin which some where between miles 4 and 5 lost its signal momentarily, came back up but I was a half mile further down the road than I actually was...the funny thing was that after it shut off at 13.1 miles (more than a half mile to the finish) I restarted it to finish the race and finished with merely 13.19 miles run...I'm still trying to figure it all out...but I wish I remembered more of that alleged half mile I gained!! :) Now it's recovery week and cramming the bike riding in an effort to be ready for my first half IM the first weekend of May. Happy Monday!! :)


Rainmaker said...

A PR and not even trying for it - awesome!

Enjoy the recovery week!

Eduardo said...

Beautiful weekend, indeed! You looked good out there. Nice pace, & very relaxed, especially for someone on the way to a PR. As for the missing 1/2 mile, does that explain the brief section of the race video that contains only "White Noise" & static?!?! Hmmmmm.........

Michelle said...

It is probably a good thing the video only includes white noise and static if she missed a turn around : ) Happy Warm Weather...maybe for good!

Lee the Cyclist said...

Congrats on the PR and enjoy your recovery week.