Sunday, March 1, 2009

A New Record...

...2.5 hours on the trainer...ugh!...yeah, I know, nothing compared to what some others do, but a new record for me none-the-less! least the dogs were impressed...

....or maybe not!! Hope everyone had a nice weekend...and maybe a little less rain than we had! :)


Eduardo said...

2.5 hours!! Sheesh, I thought I was doing good with 1.
Coach Troy must be worn out (looks like "the boy's" are.

Michelle said...

Sheesh is right who does that???? Coach Troy is never worn out CAUSE HE DOESN'T DO ANYTHING!!! Snow here not rain supposedly a whole foot...Larry already has a snow day and not a flake has been seen...sound familiar???

Nicole said...

...I went sans Troy this weekend...descending time tempo sets, starting at 30 minutes...with 20 minutes of spin ups and recovery thrown in for good measure in was fun!

Rainmaker said...

Well done, 2.5 hours is up there a ways. More than I prefer, that's for darn sure!

Lee the Cyclist said...

Way to go! I can't even imagine what 2.5 hours on a trainer would be like. I have to talk myself into just 60 minutes. I think my trainer PR is 75 minutes.

You gotta admire that kind of dedication.