Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cherry Blossoms...

...Ok, so it's a little late, but I have a good excuse...I'm not going to bore you with a race report, other than to say that this year's Cherry Blossom 10 miler in DC was absolutely gorgeous...definitely makes up for last years rainy and cold weather. I will have to say though, that packet pick-up sucked...with such nice weather, the metro was packed (think 2 pounds of crap in a 1 pound bucket!) due to the great weather, festivities and blossoms in full bloom--logistically it took nearly 1.5 hours to retrieve my race number and shirt once I arrived at the Building Museum...that's without any dilly dallying at the expo...and not including the metro ride to and from. Maybe next year it'll be better! I wish I could have fished my camera out of my purse to take a picture of the train, but I was being held in one place by about 40 of my close personal friends (read total strangers that thankfully had all taken a shower) and was exceeding my capacity to be patient with the encroachment on my personal bubble! My wave start...I'm at the way back...

Why are race photos so ugly?! I'm really not in pain in this picture!
Aren't the Sherpas in Training cute?!?!
I then arrived home to find Cuz in the hospital after suffering a stroke mid-ride...I'm pretty sure between him and Stevie G they like to remind me that I should never race without leads to strokes and broken ankles! Cuz is recovering well, however, his stroke is a reminder that it's always best to ride with someone or at the very least someone should know your plan...if you aren't feeling right, you turn around NOT finish a 50 mile ride (Ahem...not mentioning any names...)...wear an ID...and most importantly, HYDRATE! OK, off of my soapbox! A big WOO HOO to my Iron-Friend SDR for snagging herself a lottery slot to KONA...I jumped off the couch when I read the TV today!! :) Hope everyone has a great week!


Rainmaker said...

Aside from the metro issues, looks like you had an enjoyable race and day. The pics look great!

I hope Cuz continues to recover well!

Eduardo said...

Thanks for the continued checking on me, during my stay (incarceration?) at your beloved place of employment! ;-)> Gald to be out though, & on the road back to training (yes, w/ lot's of H2O!).

Congrat's on what looks like a beautiful 10 miler! Oh, & congrat's to SDR, on the Kona slot, Too!!

Michelle said... finished the 50 mile ride...not smart and if I know my sister you will never live it down! The pictures are gorgeous and post card worthy in several cases : ) Glad Cuz is feeling a bit better...keep up the recouperating!

Lee the Cyclist said...

What a beautiful day. Almost makes me think I could tolerate living on the East Coast. Then I read about the Metro and that cures it.

Glad to hear you had a great run and I hope Cuz is continuing to do well.

Michelle said...

What no updates? No copies of the EXCELLENT Easter card?!* You are slacking : )

Eduardo said...

Hell Chelle, she hasn't even posted the killer "autographed picture" she received as a belated Christmas gift yet !!

Michelle said...

She is soooo slacking!!!