Sunday, April 26, 2009

Did We Skip Spring??!!

I think we just may have!! It's funny how just last week my furnace was on and there was frost on my car...yesterday, after watching the husband sweat profusely and listening to him complain about how hot he was, I ended up turning on the AC!! It hit 90 something here...WOW!! I love the warm weather and since the weekend's workouts were short and sweet I've gotten a lot of the other projects I've been meaning to do done...yippeee for the taper!!
Yesterday was spent mostly getting yard stuff done...mowing while the hubby weed wacked (I've been banned from wacking now for several years, however, after the 4 inch stick flew and hit me in the face (thank goodness I had eye protection on), I'm thinking my license to wack might have to be restored!!)...fertilizing and laying down some more grass seed (read that fertilizing and providing the neighborhood birds with a feast!) and finally getting my raised garden bed filled with soil and plants. I figured by raising the bed I would avoid the dogs tromping through and killing the plants...well, let me tell you just how wrong I was about that!! Given his recent displays of contempt for the "no dogs on the new couch" rule.......I shouldn't have been surprised by the muddy paws and flattened pepper plants in the garden! Not to mention the enormous paw prints and half smushed basil plant. So after today's run I headed to the Home Depot to once again test my theory that the best way to get service is to go in your workout clothes...I think I'm a sadly disappointing female customer see, despite the fact that I HATE to shop, I do love projects and I know my local HD's like the back of my for the 6 men that asked me if I needed help while I walked from the garden department to the fencing department...thanks, but I had it covered! And now, my garden bed has a fence.... all I have to do is pray that the pepper plants can be revived!! Oh, and I have a little bit more room so here's what I've got so far...cucumbers on the left end, basil and pepper (one red, one green )plants in the front, and pole beans and tomato plants on the back...I'd like to put a couple more herb plants in between the veggies so I'm open to suggestions. The plan is if I'm successful this year, next year I'll build another bed for squash (yellow), zucchini and eggplant since they need lots-o-space...this year I'm just going to count on my friends for those items!!

Lastly, a shout out to my younger cousin who overcame a tonsillectomy a few weeks back to run a great race at the Country Music Half Marathon in Nashville yesterday!! Although I'm the old-ball cousin without a Facebook page (oh the horror, I know!!), my bloggy shout out is still heart felt, just not instantly gratifying...Woo Hoo, way to go Jess!!

Hope everyone has an great Sunday!! :)


Eduardo said...
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Eduardo said...

Ouuu..,a garden?!? And grass seed too?!? You hate to mow grass (or at least used to).

I make a couple suggestions about the "farm" but what the hell do I know about plants or planting....

(can't believe Jack's on the new couch...)

Michelle said...

That is one seriously bad dog in a seriously cute, old dog kind of way! Happy Gardening and WAY TO GO JESS!!! If I have done my job she is coming down to do Sandman too : )

Rainmaker said...

I hear ya...just last week nice and pleasant....and now crazy hot. Hopefully this movie features a rewind option so we can find Spring.

Lee the Cyclist said...

At least you are heading in the right direction. It seems we are heading back into winter. The lows have been in the 30's everyday for the last week with a strong, cold wind in the afternoon. So our garden is hanging on waiting for warmer weather. BTW - In my experience, the dogs always win.