While the crew down here was getting savagely beaten by the 20mph headwind for many hours on the bike, my sis finished her first triathlon of the season this weekend...which I think calls for a guest race report!! So Mooch, send me your report via email, making sure to include at least a paragraph about how I taught you everything you currently know about triathlon, identify which of the pics you want included with your report (you may have to send those too as I only got the second batch from dad...) and I will post it here! Hope everyone's having a great week so far! :)
Yeah Chelle, Spill It !! How's you do?!? Got to keep us informed if you want to be offically inducted into "TEAM WTF??" ! ;-)>
P.S. Congrat's
based on my experience as an expert Sherpa and willingness to run along VA beach's "boardwalk" in 90 degree temperatures and 100% humidity I should be officially inducted anyway!!!! The paragraph has been submitted...
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